, September 08, 2024

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Sasha Bo

5 posts

  May 02, 2022

How Afrobeat Grew to Become a Sound the World Couldn’t Resist

Within the last decade, African music has gained unpredicted relevance and dominance globally....

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  May 02, 2022

The Rise and Fall of Great Zimbabwe

Great Zimbabwe was a prehistoric African city that was highly influential due to...

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  Apr 04, 2022

The Rise and Fall of the Songhai Empire

The Songhai Empire is one piece of evidence that proves that colonialism did...

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  Mar 29, 2022

The Rise of the Great Kingdom of Benin and its Eventual Collapse After Invasion by British Troops

The ancient Benin kingdom, in modern-day Benin City, Edo State, in the populous...

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  Feb 20, 2022

The Misleading Western Projection of Africa on the World Map

Is the world map a conscious approach by the erstwhile western superpowers to...

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